Aghori Baba In India, one can come across countless different denominations and sects, as well as the associated with them monks called Sadhus or Babas, who usually play the role of holy men or gurus. One of the most mysterious communities in India is Aghori Baba (in Hindi Aghori means h orrible, frightful, hateful: also vile, filthy, disgusting, loathsome ) or members of a small sect (we speak of the number of several hundred followers) who belong to the ascetic tantric movement. They are associated with posthumous rituals and cremation. Most of Aghori Baba live in cremation sites and cemeteries. They can also be found in Varanasi, where smeared with human ashes and a human skull in their hand are sometimes noticed on the ghats in Varanasi or Pasupaniath in Nepal. ...
Moje Indie to nie tylko od wielu już lat miejsce zamieszkania, ale także pasja, która przerodziła się w pracę organizatora wycieczek po Indiach i innych krajach ( Z Indii się nie wyjeżdża, India zostają w nas. / My India is not only the place of living, but also passion which turned into work as a tour organizer ( We don't leave India, India stays in us.