Interesting facts about India There are some very interesting facts about India which you probably don't know: 1. India once was a continent Over 100 million years ago, when dinosaurs roamed the earth, most of territory which is now India was an island. 2. The capital of India since August 15, 1947 with 22 million inhabitants (the entire agglomeration) has been New Delhi. Until that day, India had been subject to the UK, and the capital was in Calcutta. However, the largest Indian city is Mumbai. 3.The Indian flag called Tiranga consists of three horizontal stripes Flag colors are: saffron, white and green. They symbolize courage and sacrifice; truth and peace; religiosity, fertility and chivalry. There is also a second interpretation in which the saffron color symbolizes Hinduism, while the green symbolizes Islam - these are the two most popular religions of the region. In this sense, whiteness is reconciliation...
Moje Indie to nie tylko od wielu już lat miejsce zamieszkania, ale także pasja, która przerodziła się w pracę organizatora wycieczek po Indiach i innych krajach ( Z Indii się nie wyjeżdża, India zostają w nas. / My India is not only the place of living, but also passion which turned into work as a tour organizer ( We don't leave India, India stays in us.