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Wyświetlanie postów z maj, 2020

Interesting facts about India which you must read

Interesting facts about India  There are some very interesting facts about India which you probably don't know:  1.  India once was a continent Over 100 million years ago, when dinosaurs roamed the earth, most of territory which is now India was an island. 2. The capital of India since August 15, 1947 with 22 million inhabitants (the entire agglomeration) has been New Delhi.   Until that day, India had been subject to the UK, and the capital was in Calcutta. However, the largest Indian city is Mumbai. 3.The Indian flag called Tiranga consists of three horizontal stripes  Flag colors are:  saffron, white and green. They symbolize courage and sacrifice; truth and peace; religiosity, fertility and chivalry. There is also a second interpretation in which the saffron color symbolizes Hinduism, while the green symbolizes Islam - these are the two most popular religions of the region. In this sense, whiteness is reconciliation...

Swastika symbol in India, meaning and roots. Blog about India

Swastika in INDIA. What does swastika mean? Today I am going to write about one of my favorite symbols in India - swastika, which in Asia means something completely different contrary to a popular belief.  If you have ever been  to India or Asia, there is high probability that you have seen a swastika sign and you may have felt a bit uncomfortable. That happens because in European culture swastika sign has a negative connotation and is associated with Nazism and Hitler, so mainly is connected with very negative things like  mass murdering, cruelty as well as totalitarian system.  What does swastika mean?  However, in India and also in other Asian countries  the clockwise symbol (we must note that Nazism  symbol is anticlockwise) means something totally opposite and the sign is supposed to evoke happiness and promote prosperity. It is simply a lucky symbol which one can find in India in the temples, in front of many h...

Cows in India, are they really so sacred? blog abot India

Cows in India and Hindu mythology India is home to the largest livestock population in the world, including of course sacred cows. The fact is that a cow in India is seen as an extremely respected animal, and cattle slaughter is prohibited in 20 states, illegal slaughter is punishable by imprisonment, in some states up to 10 years and one has to pay a fine.  In India, McDonald's restaurants are the only ones in the world to sell vegetarian burgers or the chicken ones. In  the ancient sacred of Hindu religion   the cow is associated with the deity of Prythwi, that is the mother of all living beings or Krishna, who was a cow lover and its  shepherd. In Hindu mythology, a cow leads people through death up to the heaven. Hence,  the bull Nandi is the transport of the god Shiva. Kamadhenu cow horns symbolize the gods, four cow legs - ancient Hindu scriptures or "Vedas", udders - four goals of life, including material wealth, desire, righteousne...

Krowy w Indiach, czy rzeczywiście święte? blog o Indiach

  Krowy w Indiach i mitologii hinduskiej  Indie są domem dla największej populacji zwierząt gospodarskich na świecie, w tym oczywiście świętych krów. Faktem jest, iż krowa w Indiach jest postrzegana jako zwierzę niezwykle szanowane oraz w 20 stanach obowiązuje zakaz ich uboju, a za  nielegalny ubój grozi kara pozbawienia wolności, w niektórych stanach nawet do 10 lat oraz kara grzywny. W Indiach restauracje McDonald's jako jedyne na świecie sprzedają wegetariańskie burgery czy wersję z  kurczakiem. W pismach Hinduizmu krowa jest związana z bóstwem Prythwi, czyli matkę wszystkich istot żywych lub Kryszną, który było pasterzem krów. Krowa w mitologii hinduskiej przeprowadza ludzi po śmierci przez rzekę aż do niebios. Z kolei byk Nandi jest transportem boga Śiwy. Rogi krowy Kamnhenu symbolizują bogów, cztery nogi krowy-starożytne pisma hinduskie lub „Wedy”, wymiona-cztery cele życia, w tym bogactwo materialne, pragnienie, prawość i zbawienie. ...